Getting hard to find anything of interest to write about the Proms, this being the 5th race of the season. Mind you, that means I broke even on my “series entry” which means the last few races will effectively be free. Wonder if that will make me run faster? On this occasions I was again hoping to have a crack at breaking through 31 minutes, but when we arrived it was raining and blowing an absolute gale. Windy conditions on the prom will always mean slow times – in fact there were parts of the race where I had to duck and run head-first into the wind to feel like I was making any progress at all.
Where we could get in the sheltered lee of buildings or the “bus shelter” type structures on the sea front, the whole pack of runners weaved across the course to get out of the wind. After snaking up and down the prom in this way for half the race, I heard my time called at 15.45 , so it was obviously going to be a slow one.
Rasmivan had passed me in the first mile and I certainly wasn’t reeling him in – quite the opposite. Eventually he came in with a time of 31.40 and I’d guess I was ten or fifteen seconds behind. Tired throughout the run, I felt good afterwards – invigorated and more awake. Glad to have had a good, hard session and pleased I’d turned up on such a nasty night.