Weston Prom Run 5 Miler December 2011
Second race in a week for the first time in ages, and I was tired as anything. Hitting my 40 minute target, despite heavy headwinds, in Sunday’s 10k had left me feeling good about my form and hopeful that even while under the weather I might break 31 minutes on the Prom.
It was a wet race this time, so I was wrapped up and hiding under a cap to keep the elements out at the startline. I started alittle too far back really and noticed a longer gap than usual to the start line, and a longer time than usual before found myself in some decent space (no longer having to dodge and sidestep to keep my rhythm). Following Rasmivan, who looked light on his feet and in good shape, I got to the turn in around 15.28, without having extended myself too much. Certainly couldn’t say I went off too fast.
The next two lengths of the prom saw me feeling drained but able to keep the pace, "get towed" past Rasmivan by a passing runner and even push hard for the finish – sadly I missed my target by a tragic one second! 31.00 dead on. Still, I had worked hard and I actually felt very happy with my time – a second or two faster than last month. Kokila was there too, clocking a decent 48 minutes and Suswara ran his best race for ages. Abichal made up our team of five – not a bad turnout from a club with only seven local members.