Self-Transcendence 1 Mile Race Sanur, Bali, Feb 11th 2009
The last race in Bali for 2009 was on a dull, cool and rain soaked morning just before we all got ready to leave. It was Fran's birthday and sadly she had Bali Belly and couldn't race, but I felt great and was out warming up in the rain half an hour before the start. Well limbered up, I got on the line just behind Swiss Chris and Petr and got myself into race mode. Bipin read the race prayer of the day - a poem by Sri Chinmoy about spiritual hunger - then after a few seconds of meditative silence we were off.
I soon found myself in 5th place, and by the turn I was 4th, but my real goal was to beat the 5.26 of two weeks earlier. Artur was way over the horizon, Chris and Petr were running almost together, I was struggling to stay with their pace and behind me there was no sound of approaching feet. I worked hard, benefitting from the unusually cool conditions, but somehow the pace just wasn't there and I was only able to muster a surge in the last few seconds - this was not enough to hit the target but I was content with 5.28 and a good finishing position. Strange how I often run best when I feel rough at the start, and not so well when I feel great! Anyhow, a most enjoyable burn up in the tropical rain on this course which I remember with so much affection from my first trip to Indonesia with Sri Chinmoy. Ambarish obligingly took a snap of me at the finish.
Next race would be back in Wales, doubtless in the rain again but somewhat colder!